Day 3 Devotional: Fasting to Pause

Day 3: Fasting to Pause

So he listened to them in this matter, and put them to the test for ten days. And at the end of ten days their appearance seemed better, and they were fatter than all the youths who had been eating the king’s choice food. (Daniel 1:14-15)

Do you know anyone who is a “fixer”? A fixer is the kind of person who sees a problem and immediately has to figure out a solution. These folks are uncomfortable with any messiness, chaos, or confusion . . . any problem that’s been uncovered needs to be put in order ASAP.

Maybe (like me) you might even describe yourself as a bit of a fixer.

But sometimes when we’re quick to jump in with our iron willpower and brilliant ideas, we don’t leave room for God to do something supernatural. And we forget to ask Him what the best solution is. This is where fasting can provide a vital check and balance.

Fasting reminds us to pause. 

While in the king's court, Daniel faced a serious dilemma. He was at risk of defiling himself and violating his convictions, but he took a moment to pause and consider the best path forward.

His reaction wasn’t to flip the table and yell, “There’s no way I’m eating this!” Instead, he requested a ten-day test which provided a pause.

What happened at the end of those ten days was astonishing. Not only were Daniel and his friends not faint and sickly, they were healthier. As chapter one closes, the king found that these youths who chose the all-vegetable diet were in fact “ten times better” than all the other magicians and wisemen in the land. (Daniel 1:20)

“Selah” is a word which appears frequently in the book of Psalms and stands for a musical rest or pause for the singers. Like the Psalmist, we can freely pour out our worries and emotions to God, but then we need to pause and breathe, selah.

We can get fixated on control and results instead of allowing God to be the ultimate fixer. 

Let the Lord step in and show His strength to resolve the situation for you and give you divine wisdom and ideas. Or maybe He will give you peace that it’s ok for some things to be messy, complicated, and unsorted for the time being.

Instead of endless worrying, remember to pause more and turn your attention to God.

Your Journey

How can you build moments of pause into your day? Have there been issues you’ve been in a rush to fix yourself, when really you need to pause and allow some time for God to work things out?

Song: It Is Well by Bethel (YouTube)

Daniel 1:14-15

Psalms 32:7

Psalms 46:10

You can utilize the Daniel Fast Journey book (available on Amazon) for more information about the Daniel Fast along with a 21-day meal plan and recipes.


Day 4 Devotional: Fasting to Prepare


Day 2 Devotional: Fasting to Remain Undefiled