Day 5 Devotional: Fasting to Wait

Daniel said, “May the name of God be blessed forever and ever, for wisdom and power belong to Him.” (Daniel 2:20)

I will readily admit that I despise waiting. It’s probably partly personality, and partly because our culture always promotes the shortcut and quick fix, so it’s become my expectation.

One of my absolute least favorite activities is going to the doctor, and it’s primarily because of the waiting. Wait to check in, wait to be called back, wait for the nurse to come in, then wait for the doctor to come in . . . even thinking about it right now makes me exhausted!

With three kids, I have spent a significant chunk of time in doctor’s offices stuck in this dreaded in-between waiting.

But there's a purpose for waiting, and we can grow to find joy in stillness. 

If we’re at the doctor’s office, we probably either need healing from sickness or assurance that we are healthy for the future, and we have a professional to guide us.

What does this look like for us spiritually?

God will guide us and provide all we need, but we have to be aware of His timing. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He told His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for what the Father had promised (Acts 1:4).

This was a gift worth waiting for, but only a portion of His disciples actually chose to wait in the upper room and received the Holy Spirit at that time.

We’ve talked about fasting to pause and fasting for preparation, but here is a reminder: the preparation period is on God’s timeline not our own.

Remember Sarah. God had promised her a child, but when she grew tired of waiting she tried to rush the process and ended up with a mess on her hands (see Genesis 16).

Daniel did not try to manipulate circumstances or rush his response to the king. Instead, he waited to receive revelation from the Lord. When that revelation came, he declares in Daniel 2:20-23 that it’s God who changes times, gives wisdom, and reveals the profound and hidden things.

God has something great for you, are you willing to wait for it?

Your Journey

What will you do if you get to the end of your fast and don't have the exact answers you want? Have you pre-determined your timeline, or will you surrender to God's timeline and the process of waiting? What can you learn, enjoy, and become as you wait?

Song: Waiting Here for You by Christy Nockels (YouTube)

Daniel 2:19-23

Isaiah 40:31

Acts 1:4-9 and 2:1-4

You can utilize the Daniel Fast Journey book (available on Amazon) for more information about the Daniel Fast along with a 21-day meal plan and recipes.


Day 6 Devotional: Fasting to Gain Perspective


Day 4 Devotional: Fasting to Prepare