Day 7 Devotional: Fasting To Be Delivered

Day 7: Fasting to Be Delivered

Look! I see four men untied and walking about in the middle of the fire unharmed, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods! (Daniel 3:25)

After Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refuse to bow down and worship the golden statue, they are tied up and thrown into the fiery furnace, which King Nebuchadnezzar ordered to be heated seven times hotter than usual.

Although this should have been instant death, the King and his officials see something astonishing: the three men are up walking around in the fire and there is a fourth man in there with them.

We are not promised God will help us to avoid every trial, but He will be with us through every trial.

This is a hard truth in today’s society where we strive to avoid pain and find an easier and more efficient solution to every problem. We constantly receive marketing messages to try “three easy steps” or “ten insider tips” to improve our lives, but God’s way is different.

As Christ followers, our lives are not our own but we have been bought with a price and we are called to serve God, whatever that looks like.

Jesus told His disciples they should expect to encounter the same opposition He faced. However, even in our trials we have hope and joy because we know the ultimate outcome.

We may be worrying about a rebellious child, a job loss, or a health diagnosis – but we look beyond our circumstances to the promise of heaven, knowing that God is with us in the fire, the storm, and the suffering.

This is where fasting is so vital to our spiritual formation. We are learning to draw closer to God and depend on Him more. We train ourselves not to run from hard and uncomfortable situations, but to face head-on whatever God is calling us to do.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego could not control their situation and they did not save themselves, it was the Lord who was with them in the fire and delivered them just as He will deliver us.

Your Journey

Are you currently facing a trial you need delivered from? This may be a recent situation, or something from your past. Find scripture for your situation and boldly declare that no matter what, God is with you and He will deliver you!

Song: Another in the Fire by Hillsong (YouTube)

Daniel 3:25

Isaiah 43:1-2

2 Corinthians 1:9-11

You can utilize the Daniel Fast Journey book (available on Amazon) for more information about the Daniel Fast along with a 21-day meal plan and recipes.


Day 8 Devotional: Fasting to Know God


Day 6 Devotional: Fasting to Gain Perspective