Holy Week Bible Plan: Bible Readings for All Four Gospels

Are you looking for a Holy Week Bible plan for your devotional time? Holy Week, also known as Passion Week, is observed in the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday. It is a time to remember and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as He knowingly prepared for the cross.

For Christians, this is a time of repentance and forgiveness. It is a time to remember that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. Although it's easy to take the fundamentals of our faith for granted, we should never lose a sense of awe and reverence for what Jesus did for us on the cross.

While Easter Sunday is a joyous occasion commemorating Jesus' resurrection, Passion Week is a time for somber reflection. Sometimes we'd rather avoid the difficult parts of the story, but they amplify the amazing grace and love God has for us all the more!

One way to focus your thoughts on the events of Passion Week is to read through the gospels. Below, we have a general Holy Week reading plan and then individual plans for each of the four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These plans cover the final week of Jesus’ life.

Holy Week Bible Reading Plan

How Christians Celebrate Passion Week

Christians may attend special services at their church, read scriptures about the events taking place during Jesus' last days on earth, and focus their prayers.

Throughout Lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter), many Christians fast and pray with a focus on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus truth Bible reading

Overview of the Holy Week Bible Reading Plan

Here's a brief overview of events that took place in Jesus’ last week. You can also see how Jesus’ followers frequently commemorate these days and the Bible stories corresponding to each day.

You can view Bible verses from all four gospels for the entire week of Jesus’ final week of earthly ministry.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter. It commemorates Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, where he was greeted by crowds waving palm branches and chanting, "Hosanna!"

In many churches, this day is celebrated with a procession of worshipers carrying palm branches or palm branches handed out to the congregation. The palms are a symbolic reminder of how Jesus entered Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday Bible Readings:

Matthew 21:1-11

Mark 11:1-11

Luke 19:28-42

John 12:12-19

Holy Monday

On Monday, we remember Jesus' cleansing of the temple. This event is recorded in all four gospels. He also makes prophetic statements about what the temple and its destruction.

Bible Readings for Monday:

Matthew 21:12-22

Mark 11:15-26

Luke 19:43-48

John 2:13-22

Holy Tuesday

On Tuesday, we remember Jesus' teaching in the temple and his interactions with the religious leaders. Although there are some differences in parables and teachings, all four gospels contain stories of Jesus’ interactions between His arrival in Jerusalem and His crucifixion.

Bible Readings for Tuesday:

Matthew 21:23-22:46

Mark 11:27-13:37

Luke 20:1-47

John 12:23-50

Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday gets its name from the fact that Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' twelve disciples agreed to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Bible Readings for Wednesday:

Matthew 26:3-16

Mark 14:1-11

Luke 22:1-6

John 13:21-30

Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday)

Holy Thursday commemorates the Last Supper when Jesus washed the disciple’s feet and chose to break bread with them for the final time.

"Maundy" comes from the Latin word mandatum which means command or order. It refers to Jesus' instruction to serve one another and His example: He humbled Himself to wash their feet.

Thursday services sometimes feature a ceremonial foot washing and celebration of communion, as Jesus instituted this sacrament on this day.

Bible Readings for Thursday:

Matthew 26:17-30

Mark 14:12-50

Luke 22:7-65

John 13:1-18:27*

*The passage in John is longer, but it contains the intimate teaching, conversation, and prayer Jesus had with His disciples.

Good Friday

Good Friday is the day we reflect on Jesus' crucifixion and death. It is a day of fasting and somber prayer, as we remember all that Jesus went through for us. Events of this day include Jesus being tried by the Sanhedrin, appearing before Pilate, being mocked and beaten, and then crucified.

Bible Readings for Friday:

Matthew 27:1-54

Mark 14:55-15:39

Luke 22:66-23:48

John 18:28-19:37

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is a day of waiting and reflection as we remember Jesus' death and anticipate his resurrection. We are reminded that enduring periods of waiting are essential to receiving the promises of God.

Although nothing happened on the Sabbath day, we can read about the devotion of the disciples including the women who followed Jesus. And, we see the kindness of Joseph of Arimathea who summoned the courage to approach Pilate and ask for the body of Jesus. He then wrapped Him in clean cloths and laid Him in his tomb.

Bible Readings for Saturday:

Matthew 27:55-66

Mark 15:40-47

Luke 23:50-56

John 19:38-42

Easter Sunday

On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! He is risen, as He said He would! This is the day of ultimate hope and joy for Christians around the world.

Bible Readings for Resurrection Sunday:

Matthew 28:1-10

Mark 16:1-8

Luke 24:1-12

John 20:1-22

Holy Week Bible Plans by Gospel

Although you might choose to read all Bible passages associated with each day of Passion Week, that can be quite a lot. Instead, you may choose one gospel and read through that particular account from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.

The great thing about this approach is that you can read a different account each year for a fresh perspective. Here are the Bible reading plans by gospel.

Gospel of Matthew

Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-11

Holy Monday Matthew 21:12-22

Holy Tuesday - Matthew 21:23-22:46

Spy Wednesday - Matthew 26:3-16

Maundy Thursday - Matthew 26:17-30

Good Friday - Matthew 27:1-54

Holy Saturday - Matthew 27:55-66

Easter/ Resurrection Sunday - Matthew 28:1-10

Free copy Bible plan

Gospel of Mark

Palm Sunday - Mark 11:1-11

Holy Monday - Mark 11:15-26

Holy Tuesday - Mark 11:27-13:37

Spy Wednesday - Mark 14:1-11

Maundy Thursday - Mark 14:12-50

Good Friday - Mark 14:55-15:39

Holy Saturday - Mark 15:40-47

Easter/ Resurrection Sunday - Mark 16:1-8

Gospel of Luke

Palm Sunday - Luke 19:28-42

Holy Monday - Luke 19:43-48

Holy Tuesday - Luke 20:1-47

Spy Wednesday - Luke 22:1-6

Maundy Thursday - Luke 22:7-65

Good Friday - Luke 22:66-23:48

Holy Saturday - Luke 23:50-56

Easter/ Resurrection Sunday - Luke 24:1-12

Luke and other gospels

Gospel of John

Palm Sunday - John 12:12-19

Holy Monday - John 2:13-22

Holy Tuesday - John 12:23-50

Spy Wednesday - John 13:21-30

Maundy Thursday - John 13:1-18:27

Good Friday - John 18:28-19:37

Holy Saturday - John 19:38-42

Easter/ Resurrection Sunday - John 20:1-22

John and what Jesus said

Jesus Final Week

Although it’s challenging to read about how Judas betrayed Jesus and the horrible pain he suffered during the crucifixion, scripture tells us these crucial parts of the story. And Jesus told His disciples what would happen; you can look back and see how He alluded to this week in His own words.

Thankfully, there is a triumphant end to this story. We can praise God that on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and assumed His full God given authority.

Thank you for checking out these Holy Week Bible plans. Please save and share on social media or with your friends!


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