Christian Journal Prompts to Inspire a Daily Journaling Habit

I've always loved to journal, but I know writing doesn't come easily to everyone. So Christian journal prompts are ideal for setting your writing gears in motion or deepening your current practice. Whether you’re new to journaling or love writing and have kept a journal for years, these prompts will help you explore your faith journey and grow in your relationship with God.

Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and spiritual growth. Studies have shown that regular journaling can reduce stress and enhance well-being.

Christian journal prompts provide structure so that even if you don’t know where to start, you’ll still have something meaningful to write about.

We have a huge list of prompts below that offer questions to encourage insight and reflection on Scripture, prayer, worship experiences, personal relationships, and more. Read on to get going!

What is the Benefit of Christan Journaling

Christian journaling is more than just putting pen to paper or typing on a screen. It's an honest outpouring and a sacred space that invites us to engage in a personal and intimate conversation with God.

Your journal is a safe space to pour out your heart. To share the good, the bad, and the ugly. And it's a place to process your joys and sorrows while seeking God's wisdom and guidance. Journaling documents your spiritual journey and cultivates a deeper relationship with your Creator.

How Journaling Can Enhance Spiritual Growth

As we pour our thoughts and emotions onto the pages, we see patterns, themes, and insights emerge. Our journals become a mirror that reflects the deepest parts of our souls, allowing us to gain clarity, find healing, and grow in our faith.

Through journaling, we can explore the highs and lows of our spiritual journey, celebrating moments of divine intervention and grappling with the questions and doubts that arise along the way.

Journaling is a way to

  • process our experiences

  • seek understanding

  • remember the day-to-day

  • deepen our connection with God

Setting Aside Time for Personal Reflection

In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of stillness and silence can be challenging. However, setting aside time for personal reflection and connection with God is vital for our spiritual well-being.

Journaling provides a beautiful opportunity to carve out that sacred space in our lives.

By dedicating regular time to journaling, we create a rhythm of introspection and connection with God. You need time to see what's really going on.

It's an intentional act that says, "I am making room for You, Lord." In the quiet moments of journaling, we can listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, discover new insights in Scripture, and find solace in His presence. It's a time to unplug from the world's noise and connect with the One who knows us intimately.

Remember, journaling isn't about perfection or fancy words—it's about authenticity, vulnerability, and opening our hearts to the transformative work of the Holy Spirit.

Grab your journal, find a cozy corner, and let the conversation with God begin.

Start daily journaling

How Do You Start Journaling? The Power of Christian Journal Prompts

So maybe you've heard about the power of journaling and want to give it a try. But when you sit down and put pen to paper, you don't know what to say!

That's where Christian journal prompts can help.

Christian journal prompts provide structure when you don’t know where to begin. Using these prompts as a launching pad for further exploration within yourself and with God allows us to better understand who we are in Christ.

At the same time, you'll deepen your relationship with Him through intentional conversations sparked by the thought-provoking questions asked by the Christian Journal Prompts.

Getting Started with a Daily Journaling Practice

The great thing about a new journaling habit is that there's practically no start-up cost! All you need is a pen and some paper (or digital notes or an app), and you're good to go.

If you want to add a few more supplies—such as colored pencils or markers and some stickers for journaling decor—go for it! You can customize your journal however it brings you joy and opens up space for meaningful conversations with God.

You can even use your phone or computer. There are many journaling apps that help you capture your thoughts, set reminders, and keep track of the many insights you uncover along the journey.

The other step to starting a consistent habit is putting it in your schedule:

  • when

  • where

  • how long

Although you can take your notebook (or digital journal) with you anywhere, it's hard to create a lasting habit unless you are specific about exactly when you will do it.

You could journal in the morning over a cup of coffee or before bed to wind down.

It might be at your favorite spot in nature or curled up on the couch with a cozy blanket. However you decide to set it up, make sure that it's something that works for your lifestyle and encourages growth in

Now that you’ve got your supplies let the journey begin! Grab a Christian journal prompt and start putting pen to paper (or keys to keyboard).

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50+ Christian Journaling Prompts

Are you ready to see how keeping a spiritual journal can help you grow your faith, understanding of scripture, and empower your Christian walk?

Just try it for one year and see what happens!

You don't have to follow a formula to keep a journal. Simply sit down daily and write whatever is on your heart. And, as you journal, talk to God about what you're thinking and feeling.

But if that's not easy for you, or there are days you need a nudge to get going, try the following spiritual journaling prompts to get the words flowing.

Bible Verse Study and Reflection

As you know, daily intake of God's Word is like fresh water and oxygen to your soul and Spirit.

But reading should be more than a passive activity. Journaling is the perfect way to engage and assimilate the Bible verses you read.

During your Bible study:

  1. Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide your understanding.

  2. Ask what the passage means in context.

  3. Ask what the passage means to you.

Here are some writing prompts to accompany your Bible study.

  • What is your favorite Bible verse from your daily reading? You can use formal or informal Bible reading plan. What is the Bible passage saying? How is God speaking to you through what you read?

  • Choose one of your favorite Bible verses and write about why it's significant in your life. Can you remember when you first heard it or different scenarios where it helped you? What does that Bible verse mean for you today?

  • Reflect on a recent sermon you've heard or a devotional you read. What was your biggest takeaway? What insights did you glean? How will you apply what you heard/read?

  • Think about a favorite Bible character. Explore his or her story. How can you relate to this person? What does their story mean to you?

  • What Bible verse would you like to memorize? Take this verse and break it down into phrases. Journal, in your own words, what each part of the verse means to you.

Scriptures Journal Prompts

So, what Bible verses would serve as good Christian journal prompts? Here are a few Bible study options that apply for various emotions and experiences.

Here are some Bible verses to use as Christian writing prompts. Read the entire Bible verse several times slowly and consider the accompanying questions. What is the verse telling you about your situation?

  • Are you feeling tired, burdened and overwhelmed? Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."

  • Are you too busy or scattered? Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God."

  • Are you getting confused or listening to the wrong voices? Romans 12:2 - "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind"

  • Are you feeling tempted? 1 Corinthians 10:13 - "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape."

  • Are you afraid or discouraged? Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

  • Are you feeling impatient? Psalm 27:14 - "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."

  • Are you ready to dream with God? Ephesians 3:20 - " to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us"

  • Are you feeling guilty? 1 John 1:9 - "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

  • Are you planning for the future? Habakkuk 2:2 - "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it."

  • Are you wondering what to do next? Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."

  • Are you in need of comfort? Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Science and the Bible are telling us the same thing: a regular gratitude practice can help us be more productive, manage stress, plus reduce anxiety and depression.

The Bible also references praise and thanksgiving in numerous verses, especially the Psalms. Remember, deep gratitude is more than a quick "thanks." And it goes beyond material blessings or only remembering what God has done for us lately...pouring out praise and thanksgiving from the heart is an act of worship.

Start with these Christian journaling prompts:

  • What are three things you’re thankful for today? Why do they bring you joy?

  • Write a thank-you letter to God, expressing your appreciation for His blessings.

  • Think about a time you encountered a challenge. Although it may have been difficult, consider how it shaped you. What lessons did you learn, and what are you grateful for as you reflect on that situation?

  • Write down three things you like about yourself, whether internal or external characteristics. God created you so you can boldly say, "Thank you Lord for my _____"

  • What are some of the greatest blessings you often take for granted in your life? Acknowledge them in writing and thank God for His goodness.

  • What moments are especially memorable or meaningful as you reflect on the last year? Write about those experiences with gratitude.

simply talk to God

Prayer and Intercession

Many people keep a journal spiritual journal specifically for prayer. Sometimes it's a prayer journal with decorative art; this can be a wonderful way to express creativity.

We may not always remember how we spend time in prayer. A prayer journal is a tool to dive deeper into your prayer life, record God's

  • Write a heartfelt prayer for someone in need. It can be someone you know personally or a general need you see.

  • Make a list of your prayer requests. Since nobody is looking, pour your heart out to God about what you secretly hope, dream, and pray about.

  • Reflect on an answered prayer. How was God's goodness and faithfulness evident?

  • What have been some of your most meaningful and memorable moments in prayer?

  • Write some scriptures in the form of prayers. How do these words reflect your personal prayers?

Personal Growth and Transformation

Personal growth and transformation are not easy, but they’re incredibly rewarding. That’s why so many people turn to the Bible for timeless wisdom that can be applied to any situation.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, trying to work through a difficult time in your life, or want to continue to grow closer to God, these Christian journal prompts will help you uncover new insights.

  • Identify an area of your life where you desire spiritual growth. Why is it important to grow in this area? Brainstorm a few ways you can move forward with these spiritual goals.

  • Write about a recent struggle or mistake. What lessons did you learn from it?

  • Reflect on a time when God challenged you to step out of your comfort zone. How did you respond?

  • Write out a prayer asking God to reveal any ways that He is calling you to grow.

  • Explore your spiritual gifts. What is one gift you know you possess? How do you activate it to build your own faith and serve others?

  • It's easy to become unfocused and overwhelmed whenever we neglect our prayer and Bible study time. How can you create a daily rhythm that helps you stay connected to God’s presence?

  • What are some of the spiritual values and beliefs that guide your life? How do they shape your decisions and actions?

  • What do you need to let go of to grow closer to God, heal past hurts and offenses, and glorify God in all you do?

  • How do you feel called to serve God in your life? What are you currently doing that aligns with that calling?

Faith and Trust

Do you ever find yourself struggling to trust God with your life? Have you been feeling disconnected from Him lately? We all go through seasons of doubt and uncertainty, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take steps toward deepening our faith.

These spiritual journaling prompts will help you reflect on your beliefs and explore what it means to trust in the Lord fully. These prompts are designed to help open up conversations between you and God, so don’t be afraid to write out your questions or doubts. It’s time for us to lean into His promises and grow closer together!

  • Reflect on a time when you had to trust God in a difficult circumstance and describe how it impacted your faith.

  • Journal about a Bible story that inspires you to have unwavering faith in God's promises.

  • Write a prayer asking God to increase your trust in Him and surrender your worries and fears to His care.

  • Is there an area of your life where you lack faith? Write honestly about how you're feeling and why.

  • Look up some verses about faith. How do they influence your current circumstances?

Reflections on Worship

Worship is more than just music or singing; it's when we offer our heavenly Father devotion, adoration, and thanksgiving. With our WORSHIP we declare Him WORTHY.

Worship can take many forms, and you can write about God's faithfulness. These prompts encourage you to explore the powerful emotions of worship.

  • Write about a worship song that has deeply moved you and explain why it resonates with your spirit.

  • Reflect on a meaningful worship experience and why you remember it.

  • Journal about how worship helps you draw closer to God on a deeper level.

  • What is one way you can worship God today? How can you make it meaningful and intentional?

  • Describe a time when you were in awe of God's glory and majesty. How did it affect your relationship with Him?

Self-Care and Renewal

When someone asks, "How are you?" you probably answer with the typical response:

"I'm fine."

But how are you really doing?

Spiritual journaling provides a way to feel God, hear God's voice, and get in tune with your thoughts and emotions. Once you start a Christian journal, you may be amazed to realize that you enjoy writing, and it refreshes your soul.

Here are some journal prompts for further exploration in this area.

  • Write about a spiritual practice or habit that brings you peace and refreshes your soul. Map out your self-care journey.

  • Reflect on a time when you felt spiritually drained and describe how you found restoration.

  • Journal about your dreams and aspirations for personal growth and how they align with your faith.

  • How do you feel about Jesus as your friend? Are you spending time with Him? Sharing your heart with Him? How can you make Christ a bigger focus in your daily rhythm?

  • What would you like to spend more time doing?

  • How have you grown and changed over the past year? What would you like to see different in your life one year from now?

daily journaling practice

Other Prayer Journal Prompts for Christians

We've talked about plenty of journal prompts in the sections above. You can sample them in any order, depending on what's going on in life, what's been on your heart recently, and what you feel like talking (aka writing) about.

But maybe you want to be more specific as you start writing. You can dedicate your journal to a specific topic or style. Here are a few ideas for Christian journals.

Prayer Journal

You can dedicate a whole journal to prayer. This is your chance to talk, cry, and pour out all your worries, concerns, and joys to the Lord. Document your private prayers and how you are praying for others.

Intercessory Prayer Journal

Intercessory prayer involves praying for others, often in a group setting. Dedicate a journal to praying for specific individuals and communities, noting how you felt led to pray. Write a prayer for each need you see.

Gratitude Journal

Gratitude journals are a great way to remember all God has done and is doing in your life. Write down everything you're thankful for and why daily.

Scripture Journal

Take your daily Bible deeper with a scripture journal. You can write out the verse(s) that most speak to you and use a framework like S.O.A.P. (scripture, observation, application, prayer) to engage with the text.

You can also use the 5Ws and H for further investigation. look at the text and document who, what, when were, why, and how.

Soaking Journal

Soaking prayer is directed by the Holy Spirit. Make some time to be still and focus your heart, mind, soul, and spirit. Then write a prompt or question and sit with it...wait to see how God answers.

You can use two different colored pens or markers with this form of journaling. One for your thoughts and the other for what the Lord is speaking to you.

Fasting Journal

If you're planning to fast, keep a journal to document your experience. This is great for physical and spiritual reflections and writing out prayers of repentance, renewal, and faith.

Family Journal

Want to grow closer with other family members? Consider keeping a family journal!

Each family member can write an entry daily or weekly recording their thoughts, prayers, and big moments in their life. You can also include pictures or photos. Younger family members may prefer to draw their entries.

You can also keep a list of monumental events that affect your lives, and you want to record for future memories.

Let the Holy Spirit Lead

Maybe you don't consider yourself a writer, or you've never kept your own journal in the past. That's perfectly ok!

You can start with shorter entries, and may find that your daily journaling becomes deeper and lengthier as time goes on.

Remember that spiritual writing should be an extension of your devotion rather than a chore or task. Whether you write a sentence or a book, let it bring you joy and draw you closer to Jesus as you spend time with Him.


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