Day 6 Daniel Fast 12 Day Devotional

DAY 6: Prayer Life

READING: Daniel 6


Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel in regard to government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, inasmuch as he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him. 

Daniel 6:4

You can assume others have success because they were lucky or unusually blessed, but what happens behind the scenes is a catalyst for what everyone sees. For Daniel, that catalyst was his prayer life.

Daniel was more than gifted, he possessed an extraordinary spirit. But everything was not abstractly spiritual. On a practical level, he executed his job with such high standards and attention to detail that the Bible says his adversaries could find NOTHING to accuse Daniel of because he was neither corrupt nor negligent. 

He never did anything under the table, nor did he perform below expectations! Are you waiting around for supernatural intervention, or are you being diligent in work, relationships, and lifestyle choices?

Chapter 6 gives us a snapshot into Daniel’s private prayer life. He goes home to pray as he did three times a day, on his knees, facing Jerusalem, giving thanks to God, and making petitions and supplications. He did this consistently even when there was a penalty involving the lion’s den. 

Fasting is not only about food and separating from the world, but about sincere, heartfelt prayer. Daniel was consistently, daily fixing his gaze in the right direction, practicing discipline, and drawing close to the Lord in prayer - is it any surprise he had such an extraordinary spirit?

Daniel not only survived but thrived in a foreign, hostile environment because of his intimate relationship with God. How will you live an extraordinary life unless your relationship with God supplies a deep fountain to draw from?


Acts 10:9
Colossians 3:17
1 Thessalonians 5:17


  1. How consistent is your current prayer life?

  2. What would it look like to step aside to pray three or more times a day?

  3. Do you separate your character and spiritual life from your diligence and performance in a work setting?


Day 7 Daniel Fast 12 Day Devotional


Day 5 Daniel Fast 12 Day Devotional