Healthy Holiday Eating: 5 Ways Less is More

Deep in the midst of holiday season, it may be tempting to throw out all restraint, eat whatever you want, and plan to start over again with healthy eating in January. But you know what’s better? Staying healthy through the holidays and avoiding holiday weight gain!

No, it’s probably not the best time of year to start an intensive workout or eating plan, but there is a very simple key to preventing holiday weight gain: eating less.That may sound overly simple, but it’s a key to long term weight maintenance that we often forget in favor of more extreme options like a juice cleanse or creating pizza crusts out of cauliflower.Consuming fewer calories, by eating more mindfully and not overeating, can help you maintain your weight through the holidays and beyond.Healthy Holidays: 5 Tips to Eat LessHere are 5 tools to empower you to eat less:

1. Start with a Smaller Plate

Either literally use a smaller plate or start with smaller portions - because most of us have the tendency to automatically clear our plates. A smaller plate will trick your eyes. You can always get something else to eat, but will usually find that when you eat less and pause to digest, you’re satisfied with the smaller portion.

2. Measure Your Portion Sizes

Are you really eating just one serving? As mentioned above, it’s easy for our eyes to be deceived and the only way to ensure that doesn’t happen is by actually measuring out your food, making sure half a cup of rice with 3 ounces of chicken doesn't become a full cup with 5 ounces. Those extra calories can add up in a hurry!

3. Pause and Breathe

How often to you eat on the run or in front of a screen? When we're distracted, there’s no telling how much we’re actually consuming, and the end result is less satisfaction and an overfull tummy. Stop before you eat, take some deep breaths, and eat slowly with awareness. Enjoy the flavors and pay attention to how your body is feeling and when it’s getting full.

4. Eat Regularly Throughout the Day

Self control and portion control become increasingly difficult the hungrier you get. Avoid the hangry threshold by eating at regular intervals throughout the day. This will help keep your energy level and mood more stable by giving your body the fuel it needs and also help you stay in control of your food choices and portion sizes.

5. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water will help you avoid confusing hunger and thirst. Although recommendations vary, a good rule of thumb is eight 8 oz glasses per day which is almost 2 liters.Another tidbit: don’t drink your calories for the day! Check the nutrition facts of your favorite cocktails and coffee drinks and you will be amazed at how many calories and grams of sugar you’re taking in.The holidays are a time of joy and many special treats that we want to enjoy without feeling deprived. It’s possible to enjoy them without the weight gain when you stay mindful and in control of your overall diet by eating less and keeping portion sizes on track.How about you? Are you in the habit of overeating or eating on autopilot? How do you stay on track with your portion sizes?


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