Is it a Coincidence or a Sign? How to Hear God's Voice

We've all had moments where we can't help but wonder if something is just a coincidence or if it's a divine appointment or sign from God.

We all long to hear His voice when we need clarity, direction, or an answer to prayer.

But the problem is that we've often trained ourselves to block out His voice unless we need something. (Like a child absorbed in video games until they're hungry; suddenly they're starving to death and need an instant response.)

It's human nature to seek Him on our terms and handle most elements of our lives independently, but that isn't how it should be…

So, how do you hear God more clearly? Do you want to know Him better and see Him in all things? Let's look at how to sharpen our spiritual sense...

How to Hear God's Voice

The Original Problem

You're probably familiar with the first few chapters of Genesis that detail the story of Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God clearly said, "the day that you eat from it, you will surely die." (Genesis 2:17)

Their immediate response was duck and cover, but they still heard the sound of the Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day. Adam and Eve had direct communication and connection until they were sent out of the garden.

How do we regain that intimacy with God?

We have good news in Romans 5:

"But the gracious gift is not like the offense. For if by the offense of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many... For if by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:15,17)

We can't work hard enough or perform well enough to redeem ourselves; we simply receive Jesus. Through Christ, we are reconciled to God.

However, we still have a daily choice to look to ourselves or look to the Lord. We can drown in the world's noise or tune our ears to the frequency of the kingdom.

Here are four ways to reposition yourself.

  1. Knowing God's Word

The Bible is full of miracles! John 21:25 even says that "there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written."

That's in addition to the many works we do see:

  • Meeting the Samaritan woman at the well; John 4 (timing)

  • Multiplying loaves and fishes to feed five thousand; Matthew 14, Luke 9 (resources)

  • Calming the storm; Matthew 14 (nature)

  • Countless cases of healing and casting out demons; Luke 9 (healing and deliverance)

  • Even raising the dead; John 11 (life)

These are just a few examples, and I purposely repeated chapters to emphasize: this is only a tiny sliver of all that was recorded about Jesus in the gospels.

Jesus walked with purpose everywhere He went, did only what His Father told Him, and lived with the understanding that nothing is impossible for God.

When is the last time you experienced or witnessed a miracle? What would you count as a miracle, and are you looking for them?

Our culture encourages us to dismiss the supernatural in favor of material explanations or coincidence...or to take credit for the good things that happen. ("I was in the right place at the right time.")

Or to only count the big, dramatic things, not the "small" moments.

But God is in all things. Let the Word of God:

  • Give you a framework for the kingdom.

  • Align you with God's character, will, and ways.

  • Be a sounding board and foundation.

2. Praying for Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

People didn't automatically recognize Jesus as the Son of God. Not everyone chose to accept and follow Him.

If you stop and think about that, it's really mindblowing!

He was doing incredible miracles before their eyes, and they still dismissed Him – and crucified Him.

In addition, people often didn't understand what Jesus was saying because He spoke in parables or used illustrations. His disciples often asked for more explanation after the crowd was gone.

When we have a tough decision to make, wouldn't it be nice if God just spoke in an audible voice or dropped a written note into our journal?

I have faith that can happen, but I do see a pattern in which God whispers to us in a still, small voice. (See 1 Kings 19:12-13)

Instead of blasting out instant response snippets like the great Google, God likes to drop hints and signs that entice us. It's His whisper..."come closer, and ask me what it means."

Because this is what Jesus did with His disciples.

  • He taught them through ongoing conversations woven into daily life occurrences.

  • He was with them long-term; not solving a problem and dismissing them.

  • He was focused on love and relationship; not events and project completion.

Here are some of my favorite prayers when it comes to seeing what the Lord is doing. I encourage you to look these up in your Bible for full context:

  • "O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." 2 Kings 6:17

  • "I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened..." Ephesians 1:18

  • "see with your eyes, hear with your ears, and pay attention to all that I am going to show you; for you have been brought here in order to show it to you..." Ezekiel 40:4

3. Be Patient and Keep Moving

To continue the point above... If people who physically heard and saw Jesus missed the point, it's easy to see how we might overlook the Lord in our day-to-day lives unless we're intentionally looking and listening.

Remember to put down your phone, quiet your mind, and focus your attention. And know that the Lord is not in a rush (like we so often are).

Rather than demand an instant answer, we have to learn to sit with our questions.

Three of my favorite scriptures to meditate on when I'm cultivating the patience to see and hear from the Lord are:

  • 1 Kings 18:42-46 when Elijah sent his servant to look seven times for the rain cloud

  • 2 Kings 5:1-15 when Naaman washed in the Jordan seven times to heal his leprosy

  • Joshua 6:1-20 when Joshua's army marched six days, then seven times on the seventh day, around Jericho and the walls fell down

When I was going through a particularly challenging time, the Lord gave me the passage of Joshua 6 and the word: keep marching.

Sometimes circumstances feel so bleak and crushing we think, "I CAN NOT go on like this!" (I've said that many times.)

But as you keep your eyes on Jesus, lean into God, and keep doing what He told you, you'll eventually look up and realize things are different.

Whether your circumstances have changed, or you've changed within your circumstances, God has done something miraculous.

4. Grow in Discernment

Maybe you're concerned about going overboard. Is it possible to read too much into things?

I think it's possible to get off track but also easy to put up guardrails.

Here are a few guidelines for growing in discernment and staying grounded:

  • Trust the Lord to show you plainly. He isn't going to be cryptic, chaotic, or confusing. If you're not sure about something, rest in the overarching peace and assurance that He is sovereign and directing your path.

  • Learn His voice and character through His Word. What He says and does will align with Scripture.

  • Consult trusted, mature counselors. When you're looking for answers or unsure about a situation, get perspective from those who are mature in their faith.

  • Look to creation. Romans 1:20 says, "His internal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made..."

  • Remember that logical reasoning is also a gift. One translation of Proverbs 3:21 says, "My child, don't lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them."

  • Ask for wisdom. If you're feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a timeout to breathe and pray. James 1:5 tells us to ask God for wisdom which He gives generously and without reproach.

  • Look at the fruit. Jesus talked about bearing fruit and knowing a tree by its fruit. You can gain clarity as you see actions, effects, and results. (Matthew 7:15-20)

Remember that God is brings everything into the light. Matthew 10:26-27 says there is nothing hidden that won't be revealed, and what He tells us in the darkness, we should speak in the light.

You should be highly cautious about anything that feels exclusive, secretive, and like it has to be kept hidden in the dark. Because the Lord is about shining light into all things!

Are You Looking for a Sign From God?

Don't ever be afraid to ask God. The safest thing you can do is boldly talk to the Lord about whatever is on your heart. No desire, question, concern, or request is off-limits.

Jesus did say, "This generation is a wicked generation; it demands a sign." (Luke 11:29) But praying and asking God for direction isn't the same thing as demanding a sign. We can trust the Lord no matter what.

And I think this is true: the longer you walk intimately with the Lord, the less concerned you are about getting a specific sign.

Partly because you've grown more accustomed to seeing and hearing Him day in and day out, and you've learned to tune into the frequency of His language, will, and ways.

Also, because you’re confident in the relationship and the assurance that He will always take care of you, you’re less concerned with the current circumstances. You learn to walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

So, if you've made it all the way through this post because you're wrestling with hearing from God about a specific situation, or you desperately desire to hear Him more clearly... I confidently pray that He will give you peace and direct your steps. James 4:8 says: draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.

Peace and blessings!

How do you hear God More Clearly?

Fasting Stories: Celeste


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