Fasting Stories: Celeste

Interested in sharing your own fasting experience? Read this post for more info and get ready to share your story!

Why do you think fasting is important?

Fasting is an important part of learning how to be completely dependent on God for ALL of our needs. It teaches us to crave time with him over anything.

Fasting Stories Celeste

What does your personal fasting practice look like? 

I have learned to fast and pray throughout the year, both corporately and privately. Privately I will fast during times of needing direction, desiring to be closer to God and over specific needs.

Corporately, I fast in fasting season with my church and also with groups of people who may be doing a mission experience with me.

When I fast I typically do the one of the following: Daniel's fast for extended seasons, fasting until the sun goes down, or liquid only.

What is your biggest challenge when it comes to fasting?

Schedule is often a challenge because so much of our lives are centered around eating.

I also find that we tend to want to fast without spending time with God, which will render the fast useless from a spiritual sense.

Can you recall a time God gave you a breakthrough, revelation, or taught you something through fasting?

My most recent time of fasting was before a trip to Africa. Our team had been fasting every Monday for a month or more when we received the news that our visas were not going to go through.

We met, processed and prayed. From there we packed our bags like we were going. Within a few minutes of packing the last bag we got news that our visas were approved!

God showed us that faith can move mountains and being diligent in our time with him secured our belief and resolve.

What does fasting teach us

What is your best advice for someone new to fasting?

Hunger is a signal to pray, worship and read your word. Allow that to guide you to Christ and not focus on what you do not have.

What is your favorite Daniel Fast meal or recipe?

Vegetable soup is a favorite on the Daniel fast.

Any additional info, tips, scriptures, or reflections you would like to share?

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

- Celeste

Learn more about Celeste’s Book: You Are Not Who You Think You Are

Have you ever had negative thoughts about yourself or allowed the opinions of others to draft a very small image of you and your future? The enemy wants us to think small, see small, dream small, and BE small, but you were made for more! Here’s the permission you need to change the scenery in your mind and the trajectory of your future:


This book provides thirteen essential BE qualities from Celeste’s own personal journey of becoming who God had always meant for her to be. By reading and applying the principles shared in this book, you too can face your reflection, change bad behaviors, and be confident in who you are.


Through the Biblical life of Joshua, gut-wrenching vulnerability, and laughs along the way, Celeste will help you:

Think different by…

Healing from wounding words that have hindered your growth.

Liking who you see in the mirror for the first time or maybe once again.

Break Cycles by…

Overcoming the pain of your history so you can make history!

Removing self-imposed limits and changing bad behaviors.

Be confident even when you just want to fall apart by…

Growing yourself instead of comparing yourself.

Living an adventurous life after experiencing unmet expectations.

You Are Not Who You Think You Are reminds us that no matter what we have been through there is still potential inside of us! God is not done with you!

Celeste Gonzales holds many titles—wife, mother, daughter, preacher’s kid, sister, friend, author and pastor to name a few—but she is way more than a title. At heart, she is a lover of Jesus and His people. She’s the first call to her friends in a time of need, a shopping buddy when her schedule allows, a cook to unexpected dinner guests, a great hugger when you just need a warm embrace and wise counsel to point you in the right direction. With over 14 years of full-time ministry experience, Celeste is an accomplished communicator, conference director and Women’s Pastor. She currently serves on the pastoral team at Celebration Church, in Austin, Texas, where she resides. Celeste is happiest when she’s with her husband, Daniel, and their three kiddos: Syrena, Luke and Kya. Connect with her at


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