How Long Should a Daniel Fast Last?

Are you interested in starting a Daniel Fast, but not sure how long this Daniel Fast should last? 

Maybe you’re afraid that a spiritual fast won’t “count” unless it lasts a certain length of time, but this thinking is misguided. It can also lead you to postpone fasting when instead you could reap the benefits of short-term fasting or allow yourself to build up gradually to a longer fast. 

If you’ve never fasted before, the idea of jumping into a 21 or 40 day fast (or even a three day fast) can feel intimidating. 

Perhaps you have experience with fasting and although you’d like to fast again, you’re postponing because the timing is never right – there’s always a holiday, vacation, birthday, or other event around the corner.

Or you’re stalling because you know the commitment to fast is serious, and the discomfort is real. Although the end result of fasting is phenomenal, making the mental adjustment and working through the transition is not the easy road.

Well, fasting is a spiritual practice that benefits body, soul, and spirit so it’s worth investing some time, even if it’s a short amount of time.

In this post, we’ll talk about how long your fast could be, what the Bible says about how long Daniel fasted, and the significance of numbers in the Bible.

How Long Should a Daniel Fast Fast Be?

What if I told you there are no rules about how long you should fast when you are fasting for spiritual reasons?

There are no commandments in the Bible that say: Thou shalt fast all food for 21 days three times a year <OR> If you fast for at least three days, then God will answer your requests.

No, there are actually a variety of lengths and types of fasts mentioned in the Bible. 

While that may be a relief to some, it also leaves some room for interpretation which can cause frustration if you like things black and white, accompanied with detailed instructions. 

Jesus gives instruction about prayer, fasting and giving in Matthew Chapter 6. Jesus isn’t ambivalent about whether we pray, fast, and give (it’s a given we will do these things as His disciples) but this text is written assuming that we will do these things, so He then instructs us in the how

He gives guidance on the spirit in which we should do these practices, but doesn’t necessarily cover the logistical details of what amount to give, the length of time to pray, or exactly what to fast from and how long.

Fasting is a spiritual discipline, or spiritual practice . . . and what do we say about practice? Practice doesn’t necessarily make perfect, but practice makes better. 

Benefits of Practice

The more we practice anything, even for short periods of time, the more we

  • gain confidence

  • learn what works

  • grow in knowledge and experience

  • build endurance

  • get comfortable with stretching ourselves

  • improve insight

  • increase resilience

To sum it up, there is no defined length of time you must fast for, but you should pray and ask God about your fast, then commit to what He tells you. It could be one meal, one day, or multiple days. 

Don’t discount small periods of fasting or as Zechariah 4:10 says, the day of small beginnings.

It’s better to fast for a short period of time than not fast at all. 

How Long Did Daniel Fast in the Bible?

The book of Daniel describes three times that Daniel fasted or restricted his eating.

Our modern Daniel Fast, which involves eating only plant-based, unprocessed foods, is based off a passage in Daniel Chapter 1, which you may be familiar with. (Read more about what to eat on a Daniel Fast HERE.)

Secondly, Daniel seeks the Lord in prayer and fasting in Daniel Chapter 9, but the scripture doesn’t specify the length of time he fasted. Finally, in Chapter 10 Daniel is mourning for three entire weeks. During that time, he doesn’t eat tasty food, meat, or wine, nor use any ointment. 

Based on these passages, most people choose to do a Daniel Fast for ten days or twenty-one days. This is a common practice, however it’s not a rule and you could choose to fast for one day, three days, seven days or any other amount of time using the Daniel Fast food guidelines.

Every time you fast and dedicate your heart, soul, mind, and spirit to the Lord, it’s a beautiful statement of faith. God will honor this time you spend fasting and praying, and you will receive fresh vision as you draw closer to Him.

Physically, your body will also benefit from any period of time you cut out junk food, fast food, processed foods, etc. and instead nourish yourself with wholesome, plant-based foods.

3 Bible Verses on Daniel Fast

Significance of Numbers in the Bible

Numbers are significant in the Bible. Different books of the Bible are written in different styles and for different purposes (history, prophecy, poetry, etc). Throughout the Bible, numbers are often symbolic and significant. This is something you may want to consider as you choose how long to fast. 

Here are some common lengths of spiritual fasts and just a brief touch on the significance of these numbers in the Bible and major events they reference:

  • Three: the Trinity/triune nature of God; completeness; Jesus rose from the grave after 3 days

  • Ten: completion; testing; Ten Commandments

  • Twenty-one: product of 3 x7; Daniel mourned three weeks in Chapter 10

  • Forty: testing/trials; rained 40 days & nights in the flood; Israel was in the wilderness 40 years, Jesus in the wilderness 40 days before public ministry


How long your Daniel Fast lasts is ultimately between you and the Lord. Although it’s common to do a Daniel Fast for 10 days or 21 days based on Daniel’s example in scripture, you could choose to fast for longer or shorter periods of time. 

Remember that fasting strengthens your spirit, soul, and body and is a spiritual practice Jesus modeled and spoke about. Don’t delay fasting because you’re intimidated or unable to fast for a long period of time. Start with what you’re able to do now, and gradually increase the duration of your fast over time.

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