7 Goals for Postpartum Wellness and 2 Week Update

Here are 7 bite-size, practical tips for postpartum wellness to help new moms focus on taking care of themselves.Time is flying! It's hard to believe we are already at the 2-week mark for our baby girl.Both boys (ages 2 and 4) adore her and seem to be well adjusted. Her dad and I are...taking it day by day!The greatest challenge, unsurprisingly, is the fatigue. No matter how many kids you've had, it's a unique feeling to go days on end with only a few hours sleep at a time and it's definitely catching up at the two week mark.

7 Postpartum Wellness Goals at the Two Week Mark

This is obviously not the time for boot camp or detox, but a focus on healing and wellness. Currently, my goals are underwhelmingly basic, but if you've had a newborn you'll understand.I feel better physically and mentally if I follow these seven postpartum recovery tips every day:

1. Take a nap

"Sleep when the baby sleeps" is some of the most common advice given to new moms. It's easy to ignore when you have so little time to yourself, but don't! Make time to rest every single day.

2. Remember your vitamins

I take a daily prenatal vitamin, omega-3, and probiotics. I'm not a huge supplement fan, but I believe in the basics to cover your nutritional needs and stay healthy.

3. Take a shower and get dressed (and even put on makeup)

It's fun to have an excuse to stay in your pajamas all day, at least initially, but getting up and ready helps you stay in a positive state of mind. Continue to take care of yourself even if you're not leaving the house. It will improve your mood and energy level.

4. Drink plenty of water

Recommendations range from 64-100 ounces a day. My goal is to meet the minimum, but mainly I focus on filling up my water bottle every time it's empty. It's easy to get dehydrated with recovery, nursing, and the Texas summer heat, which only makes me more fatigued, foggy, and cranky.

7 goals for postpartum wellness at the 2 week mark.5. Take a walk

Again, there are no "fitness goals" two weeks into the postpartum journey, but it feels good to move. Because I had no labor complications, I started with a very small amount of walking about one week postpartum. I've increased time gradually each day I feel up for it, but the walks are relatively short and done at a comfortable pace. The point is just to get moving.

6. Get outside

A few weeks after my first baby was born (in late June) I realized I was inside pretty much all day every day, and it was putting me in a funk. Although I'm not going anywhere most days, I make a point of stepping outside several times for fresh air and sunshine. Natural light is essential for boosting your mood and promoting healthy sleep patterns for you and baby.

7. Read your bible

Or something inspirational, or one of your old favorite books. It's easy to feel disconnected and get too wrapped up in your own thoughts during this time. Stay anchored and connected to what you know is true.

What's Your Postpartum Experience Been Like?

The postpartum time can be challenging, ranging from experiencing some "Baby Blues" to severe postpartum depression. I think we all have strong and often mixed emotions, coupled with overwhelming fatigue during this time.The simple daily habits listed above keep me on track in a time when sleep and normal routines are non-existent. Doing at least some, and hopefully all, every day helps me feel much better mentally and physically.What about you - what postpartum wellness tips would you give to a mom with a 2-week old? 


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