How To Find 3 Rhythms of Rest in 2020
How are your New Year’s resolutions going? I always seem to overshoot my goals. I am headed in the right direction – but not moving as quickly or as consistently as I would like! There is so much I hope to accomplish in 2020, but a little over a month into the new year, I have to pause and re-evaluate…
Did I forget the essential need for downtime and rest when I made all my great plans?
Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash
I can start the new year at a dead sprint, ready to tackle everything all at once, but then find myself in a crash and burn cycle. (I am an enneagram 7, I love to go, go, go!) A rhythm of rest is essential. I want to see progress at the end of the year, without sacrificing my priorities in life and still healthy in my body, soul, spirit, and relationships. It’s important to find a rhythm of rest for the following cycles:
· Daily
· Weekly
· Seasonally
Daily Rest
Are you building downtime into your day, or are you scheduled from the second your alarm buzzes until you lay your head back on the pillow? A good quality night’s sleep is the most important ingredient for a healthy cycle of daily rest. You should be spending approximately one-third of your day sleeping, so better make it count!
Downtime and refreshing are also essential daily. This includes time with the Lord, which you may define as quiet time, devotional time, or Bible study. You also need time allocated to “do nothing”. This cannot include scrolling social media or the Internet. What restores your energy?
What is that hobby or recreational activity that doesn’t pull anything out of you, but simply refills your bucket?
Weekly Rest
Do you have a Sabbath day? This is a day for family and worship, not for work. Without becoming legalistic, we do need a full day out of seven to remove ourselves from the daily grind, work, and the obligations of the world that are temporary so we can focus on life’s greatest priority: loving God and loving people.
When is your sabbath day, and what does it look like for you?
Seasonal Rest
We also need seasonal breaks. The frequency will vary by individual. You may need to have a personal day every month, taking time off to disconnect. Maybe you need this type of break less frequently, but for a longer period of time, like taking three days off every two months.
Seasonal rest can vary over time. If you are a mom of young babies, you may only be able to break for a half a day, but there is immense value in giving yourself this time. If you have a stressful job or heavy workload, you may need to take an extended break lasting one to two weeks at key times throughout the year.
Seasonal breaks also include holidays and vacations. Holidays are a time for memories and traditions with loved ones. Vacations are an amazing opportunity step outside your normal routine, completely unplug, and dream big about life.
2020 is Your Year to Rest Well
Don’t lose heart if your goals got off track or didn’t work out the way you envisioned. Don’t abandon your plans entirely but take an opportunity to reevaluate what’s working and what’s realistic with your schedule and energy level. Has 2020 thrown you any curve balls so far? Knowing your season, establish a rhythm of rest and see where your goals can fit in. One step at a time friend!