Fasting Stories: Jess
Interested in sharing your own fasting experience? Read this post for more info and get ready to share your story!
Why do you think fasting is important?
Fasting is important because it takes away distractions and realigns you with the voice of God.
What does your personal fasting practice look like?
I have many different fasting practices. It depends on where I’m at in my spiritual walk and what I feel God leading me to do.
Twice a year our church initiates a weeklong fasting period. This happens at the beginning of the year and midway – before the school year starts.
There are times where I have fasted outside of this, including one year where I felt God lead me to fast for the first week out of every month for an entire year.
I have done liquid fasts. I have done Daniel fasts, I have done media fasts, I have done juice fasts, I’ve done everything but water.
Check out: 10 New Testament Fasting Scriptures on the blog
What is your biggest challenge when it comes to fasting?
My biggest challenge when it comes to fasting is sticking with the fast past the 2nd to the 3rd day. For some reason, that’s when it really hits me, especially if I’m doing a fast that is denying food. LOL, what can I say I love food.
Can you recall a time God gave you a breakthrough, revelation, or taught you something through fasting?
Pretty much every time I fast there is a revelation of some sort.
One, in particular, that has affected me was a vision God gave me at the end of the week of fasting of my family and the generations that our family would affect due to our obedience of worshiping him.
That image of me and my husband and my three children and their spouses worshiping God with the generations of people behind us worshiping God with us is an image I will always remember and hold onto a prayer for the future of my family.
What is your best advice for someone new to fasting?
Read Daniel and the gospels and words of Jesus on fasting to understand the reason and context of why we fast.
Fasting is not a checkbox or a thing you do just because everyone else is doing it. It’s something you need to commit to taking seriously. It is also a tool for breakthroughs.
What is your favorite Daniel Fast meal or recipe?
My grandmother's lentil stew is one of my absolute favorite things to eat ever. Let alone during fasting.
Any additional info, tips, scriptures, or reflections you would like to share?
Fasting should be something that is a part of your regular life and not a special thing every once in a while.
Fasting is biblical and it has been used in many ways in the Bible for prophets, teachers, and Jesus Himself to connect with God and to open up the heavens to hear His voice or plead your case in something you’re praying for.
- Jess
“But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”